Telli Menüü

A busy weekend at Kotkajärv

The annual volunteer maintenance/upgrade crew were recently working full steam to prepare Kotkajärv for the winter and keeping it sustainable for decades ahead. Organized by the sponsors of scouts and guides in Toronto – (TESS) – the workers included not only the scout/guide leadership, but also the young members themselves and parents. Work was supervised by Mikk Jõgi and Pearu Tamm.

Since next summer Kotkajärv hosts a large jamboree, Estonian Road had to be made usable for vehicles such as buses. The workday was followed by a typically scorching sauna – the oven had undergone repairs during the day.

Kaido Nipernado and Tarmo Uukkivi. Photo: Maimu Mölder
Kaido Nipernado and Tarmo Uukkivi. Photo: Maimu Mölder
Angie Crossman. Photo: Maimu Mölder
Angie Crossman. Photo: Maimu Mölder

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