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Conspiracy theorists: “Birds of a feather….”

“Flocking together” are conspiracy theorists, Estonian Jüri Lina and Canadian Henry Makow who seem to look at things through the same prism.

Lina: “The most important duty of freemasonry is to glorify the Jews.” (Lina quoting a Rabbi Stein.)

Makow: “This is the mind game played by Satanists – Communist Jews and Freemasons – who control government and the mass media.”

Lina: “The Jewish Freemason pyramid controls 80 percent of the economy of the capitalist countries and up to 90-95 percent of the information media.”

Makow: “We have been conquered by a lie generated by the Illuminati controlled mass media”

Lina: “Under the symbol of the Illuminati and freemasonry – the red rose – the socialists are after our souls.”

Makow: “This death wish is administrated by Organized Jewry and Freemasonry which itself is Jewish Cabalism (Satanism) for goyim.”

Lina: “Freemasonry is Judaism for gentiles. It is based on the Cabala ans is the executive political organ of the Jewish financial elite.”

Makow: “The Rothchilds have all the money in the world. Now they want total control.”

Lina: “The Freemasons created the United States of America as an effective base for their encompassing activities and to attain their utmost aim – world supremacy.”

Makow has a much wider brush with which he paints the woes of the world: “The coronavirus pandemic is a media creation, fake news, the biggest psychological warfare stunt in history.” “They have drones that can monitor a person’s temperature and coughing. They can quarantine anyone they like.” “The essence of Judaism is to take God’s place, destroy Christianity and dispossess non-Jews culturally and materially, goals exemplified by Communism which rabbis equate with Judaism.”

Makow doesn’t let any societal development off the hook: “The Rockefellers alienated Women from men,” “Feminism is an excellent example of how the central banking cartel uses the awesome power of the mass media (i.e. propaganda) to brainwash women.” “When the issue of worldly power is settled, a husband’s sense of self expands to encompass his wife. She becomes apart of his ego.” “By attacking the social fabric, feminists inflict more damage to Western society than Communists ever dreamed.”

Other than taking issue with the same ills of society Makow and Lina seem to have a a mutually beneficial relationship. Makow endorses, praises and promotes Lina’s films and books on numerous web sites. An old Estonian saying goes something like this: “Show me who your friends are and I’ll tell you who you are.”

Then one begs the question why Lina gets ample video time on Estonian World Review to boost his views. Is it urgent news that people need to know? Lina’s and his ideological compatriots have made their case for decades. It’s “old news”. But shouldn’t the reader become familiar with controversial opinions? Of course and these particular opinions are instantly available on hundreds of web sites.

It has been suggested that EWR is directly complicit in supporting and promoting Lina’s views. Lina has previously written a piece entitled “The Communist take-over in Estonia”, Lina states that “Moscow made preparations to incorporate those states (Baltic, ed.) in the Soviet Empire. … The extremist Jews of course played the key role in this action.” There is no mention of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact of 1939, and its crucial part in the Soviet invasion of Estonia – historical actuality that all reputable Western scholars affirm.

Lina does describe the harm that the repressive and brutal Soviets and with Communist ideology inflicted on the captive nations of Central and Eastern Europe. However his references involving an unproven conspiracy encompassing Judaism, Freemasonry, the Illuminati, the New World Order, the Rothchilds, Satanism, etc., seriously detracts from the Stalin-Hitler partnership, the root determinant of events leading to the 50 year repressive occupation of Estonia. It does a disservice to the reader.

While this writer rejects any form of censorship and fully supports the freedom of expression, indeed even the right of the most dubious and outlandish ideas to be published in print and posted on the internet. However notions of good taste, the rejection of information derived from dubious sources and the repudiation of hate-filled diatribes could still govern the decision-making of web site editors, especially in our community whose land of heritage is directly involved in the historical analysis.

It’s said that conspiracy theories survive, because many people tend to blame all of the world’s woes on some single enemy that they can fight, rather than a complicated array of intertwined forces that have yet to be controlled. Both Lina and Makow paint the world with a breath-taking broad brush. But do they have any solutions for these perceived massive problems?

(Will return to this theme in a future issue.)

Laas Leivat, Toronto

Loe edasi