Estonian Arts Centre, the charity associated with KESKUS International Estonian Centre, worked with Seedrioru Estonian Summer Camp, Estonian Folk Art and Craft Union, and Estonian Cultural Society of Chicago to bring käsitöö, or crafts workshops to Seedrioru Suvihari on June 24th, 2023. At the last minute, the instructors from Estonia were unable to attend, so Liisbet Valter-Kalm and Seliina McConville (centre photo) brilliantly stepped into the breach together with Ellen Valter and facilitated “südamepaelad”, “nööbivurrid”, “rätinukud”, “tikkimine”, “pulmatutid” workshops.
A huge thank you to the Estonian Foundation of Canada for making Suvihari possible, and to Eesti Rahvakunsti ja Käsitöö Liit for assembling materials and excellent instructions from afar. Looking forward to käsitöö at KESKUS? Read more at www.estoniancentre.ca/post/seedrioru-kasitoo and sign up for the KESKUS newsletter on the project homepage and stay abreast of project progress!