We need your help to reach our $35,000 fundraising goal. All funds raised in The Grand Parade Scarborough (Ehatare) walk will directly support providing quality programs for our residents, and to undertake vital, ongoing improvements to our 40 year old Ehatare building.
Participation is easy!
- Register here today to walk or donate.
- We need volunteers to help us with the event. Volunteers CAN ALSO FUNDRAISE!
- Become a sponsor! Donate towards our snack rest stop by donating $500. If you donate more, you can be recognized during opening ceremonies, social media posts, and on our TGP website. Ask us for more details if your business is interested.
- Donating is easy! Payments can be made by cheque or credit card by visiting thegrandparade.org. Location “Scarborough” (press donate button).
All volunteers and walkers will receive a complimentary lunch and snack the day of the walk!
Your generosity matters, your fundraising matters, you matter – both to us and the residents of Ehatare who we serve! We can’t do it without you, so please sign up today for the Grand Parade.
Ps. Want more info? Contact Veronika Viinamae VViinamae@ehatare.ca or Sirje Jarvel SJarvel@ehatare.ca for more information.