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Esto language @UofT

Who ever knew that the Estonian language was so sought after?! The classroom of the current first year Estonian course at the University of Toronto and Ryerson, offered for the first time in three years, is overflowing!

What has drawn all these students to learn this beautiful but complicated language ?! Love (or family), is the top reason: many have spouses, kids, parents and kids around them who speak Estonian, and want to know what is being said around (about?!) them! Others are pure Estophiles, loving the language and all things Estonian! Some have been singing in Estonian for years and now want to understand what they have been singing! And some are language majors that felt that a language with 14 declinations would be fun to learn!

Teacher Marju Toomsalu (left, front) is managing to bring everyone along with fast-paced learning while keeping the classes fun and dynamic, with poetry, anecdotes and song. Not all students are on the photo.

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