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Estonian American National Council, Inc., seeks Executive Director

The Estonian American National Council, Inc. (EANC) requires a full-time executive director to implement and direct its program and internal activities. The position reports to the EANC Board of Directors.

Responsibilities may include: Manage day-to-day affairs of the EANC. Develop, write, and disseminate press releases, alerts, and other public information materials, including EANC “Teataja” newsletter (printed and electronic versions). Develop and manage EANC programs and activities. Help develop and implement EANC policies. Plan and direct fundraising and marketing strategies for the EANC. Represent the EANC at meetings and at official functions, as required. Organize EANC-sponsored meetings and events, including annual meetings. Keep current with activities of, and liaise with, Estonian organizations in the U.S. Maintain EANC’s website. Maintain EANC’s contact database of addresses. Organize and maintain records and archives. Develop and implement financial and operational internal controls. Maintain financial information; produce monthly and annual activity and financial reports.

Requirements: Excellent knowledge of English; Estonian highly desirable. U.S. work permit. Very good computer skills, including Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Experience with WordPress highly desirable. Excellent writing skills. Good speaking ability. Experience in similar work highly desirable. Knowledge of contracting and experience working with vendors and contractors desirable. Knowledge of Estonian American communities and activities highly desirable. Ability to work independently and in a complex and virtual environment.

Salary: minimum of $45,000 plus benefits; negotiable depending upon qualifications. Due date: January 15, 2019. Please send resume and cover letter discussing interest in the position.

Respond to: Marju Rink-Abel, EANC President, 9814 Hill Street, Kensington, MD 20895 or via email to: marju.rink_abel@verizon.net

For further information contact Matti Prima at matti.prima@gmail.com or 609-865-8412.

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