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Estonian Centre Project Update – New centre design developments will top community engagement session agenda on March 27

Calling all Estonian community members in the Toronto area! You are invited to a Community Engagement Session on March 27 to learn about the latest design developments for the new International Estonian Centre (IEC).

The session will take place at the Estonian House, Crystal Hall, from 7 – 8.30 p.m.

As the design and planning for the IEC evolve, the Steering Committee, user groups, and consultants continue to follow an inclusive and comprehensive process.

Last spring, the project team met with the leaders of about 40 local Estonian organizations who use or have used the Estonian House for their activities. The purpose was to discuss the preliminary design of the IEC in terms of meeting the space and functionality needs of each group. Participants had detailed their needs around classroom and activity room spaces, event/performance space, storage, display, kitchen and general logistics, and this information was then used as input into the internal layout of the IEC.
The project team met with user group representatives on the design process for the new centre. Here the team hears input and feedback from the lasteaed, Kungla rahvatants, guides, scouts and chefs’ communities.

The team is now meeting again with the same groups to present and discuss how the revised plans incorporate their key space priorities. The first group met in early March and included leaders from the nursery school, guides, scouts, and Kungla rahvatants as well as chefs who cater community activities. Other key user group meetings are scheduled throughout March.

We look forward to seeing you on March 27. Please come out and hear the project team, including architect Alar Kongats, present details on how the design process is progressing.

If you can’t attend in person, tune in to the meeting live via Facebook at 7 p.m on March 27. Go to @EestiKeskus and be part of the action. You can submit your questions during the session via Facebook as well.

In addition, a video of the session will be posted on our website and will be shown at Ehatare as well.

For more project information

• Check out our website – it is updated regularly:
• If you haven’t already done so, please sign up for our email newsletter.
• Follow us on Facebook: @EestiKeskus

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