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Jaan Ehlvest, veteren of the national chess teams of Estonia, the Soviet Union and the USA, to play 30 challengers in an exciting simultaneous exhibition at the Grand Hyat Hotel at Union Square.

Offering another stimulating activity beyond the performing arts, LEP-ESTO 2013 invites attendees to challenge a Chess Olympian to an intellectual duel. On Saturday June 29, 2013
Image by podpad - www.freedigitalphotos.net

, Chess Grandmaster Jaan Ehlvest takes on up to thirty challengers in a fast-paced simultaneous exhibition at LEP-ESTO 2013, at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in San Francisco. Following the exhibition, Jaan will offer his analysis of the individual matches.

Jann Ehlvest is a two time “Sportsman of the Year” in Estonia and winner of numerous international chess tournaments over the past thirty years. He has played on national chess teams for Estonia, the Soviet Union and, since 2006, for the United States, where he today resides. Born in 1962, he is a psychology graduate of the University of Tartu.

Simultaneous exhibitions, or “simuls”, are an exciting and very popular feature of the chess world, and offer unique opportunities for amateur players to take on the masters. Matches are typically played at blazingly fast speeds and are known to frequently wow audiences by their drama and remarkable tactical displays.

Those interested in participating in the simultaneous chess exhibition against Jaan Ehlvest must pre-register and are urged to do so without delay to capture one of the remaining spots. Participation costs $45.00 and includes a round of chess with the Grandmaster, a commemorative chessboard and pieces and a game report signed by Jaan Ehlvest.

To sign up, please go to lep-esto2013.eventbrite.com

Lugupeetud lugejad, kõikides paikades maailmas – saatke meile oma mälupilte (kas eesti või inglise keeles) ning allkirjadega varustatud fotosid Estodest ja Lääneranniku Päevadest – neid tõeliselt meelespidamist väärivaist suursündmustest! Jagame ja hoiame oma kultuuripärandit, eriti silmas pidades tänavust kultuuripärandi aastat!

Ootame Teie lugusid ja/või fotosid: eetalitus@eestielu.ca või eetoimetus@eestielu.ca

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