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Estonian Foundation of Canada visits Ehatare

Ehatare Retirement Home and Eesti Kodu residents in Toronto welcomed directors of the Estonian Foundation of Canada (EFC) during a visit at the end of March. EFC President Eva Varangu introduced the new EFC executive and directors. Also in attendance were Vice-President Mihkel Holmberg, Treasurer Toomas Kütti, and Director Merli Tamtik.
ESK ase-esimees Mihkel Holmberg kinnitab Roman Toile aurinnamärgi rinda - foto: Merli Tamtik (2015)

Eva Varangu began by thanking the generation of Estonians who pioneered and created many of our organizations and institutions we know in Canada today for all of their hard work and support, many of whom now reside in Ehatare and Eesti Kodu. EFC was created later in 1974, added the President, as a registered charitable organization and she thanked everyone who had donated over the years for their financial support.

From left to right: EFC President Eva Varangu, Vice-President Mihkel Holmberg and Treasurer Toomas Kütti - photo by Merli Tamtik (2015)Varangu then thanked the founding directors of the Foundation who, with their foresight ensured that the community would have an organization through which to ensure the survival of the Estonian community in Canada. Varangu gratefully acknowledged current Ehatare resident Roman Toi, one of EFC's founding directors. She thanked him for his past work with the Foundation and continued and thoughtful conversation today. Roman Toi was then presented with an honourary EFC lapel pin.

Treasurer Tom Kütti then provided a brief financial overview of the Foundation, adding that over the past 10 years, EFC has provided more than $3.7 million to community organizations, projects and scholarships across Canada. Kütti explained that EFC continues to receive its monies primarily from financial donations and bequests and that all receive a tax receipt for their donations.

Hilja Briedikis receives a pin of distinction form EFC Vice-President Mihkel Holmberg - photo by Merli Tamtik (2015)Generous supporters living at Ehatare and Eesti Kodu were also acknowledged. Helje Valter, Hilja Briedikis, Maret Luide, Leida and Arvi Randlepp, and Ülo Tamre were thanked and received their EFC pins and a mounted plaque of their names as they appear on the EFC Donor Wall.

Eva Varangu ended her remarks with a reminder of how much has changed in the last 40 years and why it is now timely to review how we plan for our community's future. We must do this, she said, keeping in mind our past and current achievements. Eva Varangu added that we can achieve this through genuine cooperation for the good of the entire community. Following the remarks, the EFC directors talked with the attendees and shared coffee and kringel.


PHOTOGALLERY – Potos by Merli Tamtik


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