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Estonian KGB foreign operations targeting wide variety of objects

Its been widely observed that Moscow currently invests heavily in sophisticated means trying to influence Estonian opinion makers and society, and perhaps ultimately elections. During the cold war the tool was the KGB operative personally who infiltrated not only the ex-pat community in the West but also other foreign establishments for Moscow’s overall cold war ambitions.

KAPO's annual yearbook this year describes the success and failure of a few such operations controlled by the The Tallinn 1st department of the KGB in Tallinn (foreign intelligence). If the following text seems stodgy the undersigned has tried to keep to the reporting style and flavour of the first KGB dossiers in this translated version.

Agent 'Maiski' (Leon Blumfeld, 1917-1968 worked ), the son of a Jewish merchant, born 1917, agricultural economist. While studying at the Jewish high school and university in Tartu, he was a member of the Zionists-Revisionists, the chairman of the Zionist fraternity Hamonea. had wide contacts with well-known Zionist activists in Baltic and European countries and Isreal. During the war worked in various positions at Soviet establishments in the rear.


(Read more: Estonian Life No. 44 2018)

Laas Leivat, Toronto

Loe edasi