His proposal was to be recruited, to receive proper training and then to be sent back to the Soviet Union as a Western intelligence operative in fact aroused suspicions and simply didn’t attract any interest.
Tuldava-Haman was ordered to focus on other targets, namely the organizations of exile Estonians, with the intention of fomenting disunity. Digging for information on the exiles’ clandestine contacts in occupied Estonia, on the organizations themselves and their leadership were his new tasks.
In some instances he succeeded. The newspaper Izvestija on July 29,1962 carried an article by K. Svensson entitled “Attention provocateurs”. The story described details of a counter-demonstration planned for July-August 1962, during the communist youth festival sponsored by Moscow in Helsinki. Only four people were privy to the info.
It didn’t take them long to zero in on the person who had passed the storey on to Russia. Reino Sepp was secretly slotted to be the individual was special tasks in Helsinki. This was also mentioned in the Izvestija story.The plans had been carelessly left on a table, at a small gathering which was also attended by Tuldava-Haman.
Täismahus artikkel on loetav Eesti Elu tellijatele
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