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Estonian World Council meeting attended by members of EKN

Members of the Estonian Central Council in Canada (EKN) attended the annual general meeting of the Estonian World Council (ÜEKN) in Vilnius on May 26 and 27, and the Global Estonian Advisory committee meeting in Tallinn on June 2. Delegates to the Estonian World Council elected a new chairperson, Sirle Sööt (Rootsi Eestlaste Liit). They also visited the Lithuanian parliament, Seim, where they met with members of Lithuanian parliament and diaspora leaders to share common goals and challenges with maintaining cultural identity and language abroad. Additional meetings were held with Estonia’s foreign, education and culture ministers, as well as members of Estonian parliament together with colleagues from Sweden, Finland and the Estonian World Youth Network (Üleilmne Eesti Noorte Võrgustik). Photo: Sverigeesterna Meedia

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