The press release announcing the formation of the association quotes Mikko as saying that „many of our compatriots live outside of Estonia. It is important that Estonians around the world feel a connection to their dear Estonia, as well as support for the homeland. We will try to be a beneficial bridge between Estonians at home and abroad.“ Other members of the association include Monika Haukanõmm, Helmen Kütt, Inara Luigas, Jaanus Marrandi, Enn Meri, Aadu Must, Keit Pentus-Rosimannus and Tanel Talve.
The May 4 program also includes an overview of ESTO2019 plans by the committee chair Sirle Sööt, and also the introduction of the soon-to-be published book by the EWC, an overview of the member countries, by US delegate Ülle Ederma. In the picture-filled book are short summaries about each of the EWC member countries, as well as an overview of EWC’s history.
EWC was founded in 1954 in the United States, to join together Estonian communities worldwide and to help coordinate their activities for gaining Estonian re-independence. Three major umbrella organizations – Estonian American National Council, Estonian Central Council in Canada, and Association of Estonians in Sweden – were the founding members of EWC. Members today also include Council of Estonian Societies in Australia, Estonian Community in Germany, Association of Estonians in Great Britain, Latvian Estonian Society, Estonian Community in Lithuania, Czech-Estonian Club, Ukrainian Estonian Society, Russian Association of Estonian Societies, and Finnish Estonian Association.