Telli Menüü

Every year brings us new situations…

... that we must contend with to the best of our abilities and to which we must dedidcate full focus and resources to maintain or achieve that which we as individuals, families , communities or nations wish to achieve. ast year at this time, the world was preparing for the winter Olympics in Sochi, Russia, but within a few short months, international law and international order would again be attacked by a ruthless and unprincipled regime. The very same regime that hosted the Olympics and its ideals and virtues was by deadly force and deceit invading and oppressing Ukrainian territory.

Preparedness for the unknown and unpredictable events of the future will not guarantee that outcomes of our choice will occur however, readiness will minimize short term losses and failures, and dedication to principle will ensure long term attainment of global goals.

Readiness and dedication to principle are key elements to success in all levels of endeavour . At a community level, we prepare for changes to demographics by adjusting our events and assets to give the best chance for a successful and vibrant community to serve our varied interests . Vana Andrese Kogudus has moved to a new church for example and Eesti Maja is presently analyzing how best to modify this community asset to ensure a long term home for Toronto Estonians. At a national level, as Canadians and as Estonians, we must ensure that both ruling governments are dedicated to a strong united defense against unpredictable tyrants through NATO including living up to a commitment of defense spending of 2% of GDP. It is important for us as individuals and as an organized community to express our support for NATO through our duly elected governments.

On an individual and family level, we have always known that our children are our future. But let us not forget that we are their future. The tools that they take into their future are forged in their youth. Let us continue to teach and educate our youth so that their future inlcudes Eesti and Eestlus.

Merry Christmas and the best of the new year,
Markus Hess, esimees, Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas

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