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Finding Home: An Immigrant’s Journey of Challenges and Changes in Estonia

Hafiz Abdul Manan shares with Jerry Mercury his remarkable journey of building a life in Estonia, reflecting on overcoming the challenges of being an immigrant. From navigating loneliness to addressing discrimination, Manan’s insights offer a unique perspective on the evolution of Estonian society.

A chance encounter with the Estonian President, Alar Karis (source: Hafiz Abdul Manan)

Have you ever wondered what it’s really like to build a new life in a foreign country? How do you find your place while navigating the challenges of being an outsider?

These were some of the questions on my mind when I first came across Hafiz Abdul Manan on YouTube, where he shares his insights on life in Estonia from the perspective of an immigrant. His genuine desire to provide useful information, build connections, and help others immediately resonated with me.

Manan, a mechanical engineer from Pakistan, relocated to Estonia a decade ago through the Erasmus Mundus program, to study design. Since then, he has firmly established himself here, and today, he is widely recognized for his engaging social media content that highlights different aspects of life in Estonia. Manan also runs a small agency that helps businesses with content creation.

As an immigrant myself, I understand how tough it can be to adjust to a new country, and I am truly impressed by how Manan manages to balance multiple creative and business tasks — his work, YouTube channel, and blog, all while finding time to travel.

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