Telli Menüü

From the Toronto Estonian House Board – New Staff and Big Thank You’s

The Toronto Estonian House has a new General Manager, Ingrid Laar, starting on April 1 as we have reported, since Tõnu Orav is retiring. Tõnu is not leaving us entirely though, as he will be staying on part-time as Financial Manager. We are delighted to announce two other part-time appointments: Roul Martjak as Maintenance Manager, and Leena Temisevä as Office Assistant. A big thank you to Tõnu once again for his great contributions over the years, and also to our new team!
Roul Martjak energiliselt alustamas oma uut rolli Eesti Majas

We would also like to thank the organizers of the Peeter Sepp art exhibit: Colour My World. The exhibit runs until April 17 in the Gallery. We also thank the Estonian Credit Union for arranging the painting of the Gallery Hall in preparation for the exhibit!

Mark on your calendars the Estonian House Annual General Meeting on April 20 at 6.30!

Note that lost and found items will be donated to the Giant Rummage Sale if not collected from the cloakroom before April 29.

A/S Eesti Maja Torontos Juhatus

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