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Fun and quirky things to bring to summer camp

School’s officially out for the summer this Friday, June 28th, and with that, summer camp season is starting up very soon! Have you talked to your friends about all the things you’re going to do? And what about all the things you need to bring along?

source: seedrioru.com

In Ontario this summer, Seedrioru will be in session from Sunday to Sunday starting from July 7th until August 3rd. As the weeks progress, camp activities encompass outdoor survival skills, a Survivor Competition, Arts and STEM, a week of sports, and merit-based competitions.

Jõekääru will have four weeks of camp going from Saturday to Saturday, starting on June 29th and ending on July 27th. In order, these include: Estonian week, sport and game, art and culture, and JK Kalev Volleyball Camp.

Whether you feel so excited that you want to pack your bag early, or you’re reading this while scrambling to get to camp in a few hours, be sure to head to the Seedrioru and Jõekääru websites, which both have long lists of what you should (and shouldn’t) bring to camp. The lists mention everything from sun hats and insect repellent to sleeping bags and shampoo. You could even print a list out so that you can keep track of your stuff and not lose anything.

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Igal nädalal toome me sinuni kõige olulisemad kogukonna uudised ja eksklusiivsed lood uutelt kolumnistidelt. Räägime eestlastele südamelähedastest teemadest, kogukonna tegijatest ja sündmustest. Loodame sinu toele, et meie kogukonna leht jätkuks pikkadeks aastateks.

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