Telli Menüü

Gallery: Kert Krüsban and Mihkel Sildoja live at Tartu College

On Wednesday February 28th, Kert Krüsban and Mihkel Sildoja got everyone dancing at Tartu College, as they played Estonian folk tunes on their accordions.

As Estonian Music Week describes, “Back in 2005, Kert found his passion for playing diatonic accordion and learned his first tips from Lahemaa Rahwamuusikud, which is a folk group from his home country. He finished his studies in “Traditional Music” and majored in Estonian diatonic accordion at Heino Eller Tartu Music College in 2019. Three years later, Kert was given the title of “Vabariigi pillimees” (“Best solo musician in Estonia”) by the President of Estonia.”

This event was hosted by Estonian Music Week, project by VEMU, and sponsored by EKN (the ​Estonian Central Council in Canada).

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