Telli Menüü

Global Estonian Report: March 8-15

A roundup of Estonian news and events taking place around the world from March 8 through March 15.

Inglikeeled, a women's musical ensemble, at the Los Angeles Estonian House for Estonian Independence Day celebrations. February 26, 2023. (Source: Enn Auksmann)

Between 165,000 and 200,000 Estonians are estimated to live outside the country right now, accounting for some 15-20 percent of the total number of Estonians worldwide.

With many diaspora communities located throughout the world, both in English-speaking countries and beyond, ERR News, in conjunction with the Integration Foundation (Integratsiooni Sihtasutus), has launched a weekly Global Estonian Report which will provide a weekly window into Estonian communities and culture from all over the globe.

Record number of women elected to Estonian parliament

Happy International Women’s Day!

A total of 30 women won seats in the 2023 Riigikogu elections that concluded Sunday, marking the best women’s result in Riigikogu electoral history.

The Reform Party, which won the largest number of mandates by far with 37 of the Riigikogu’s 101 seats, also saw the largest number of women elected to the XV Riigikogu at 13.

A total of 28 women were sworn in as MP following the 2019 elections to the XIV Riigikogu, up from 24 following the 2015 elections to the XIII Riigikogu, indicating a growing trend.

Estonia’s e-Residency community reaches 100,000 members

The Police and Border Guard Board (PPA) recently issued Estonia’s 100,000th e-Residency digital ID card since the launch of the program in December 2014.

Estonia was the first country in the world to offer e-residency, a government-issued digital identity and status providing access to Estonia’s transparent business environment. The country now boasts e-residents from 176 countries around the world who have registered more than 25,000 companies in Estonia.

International students — apply for the Estophilus scholarship!

The Estophilus scholarship is aimed at supporting Estonia-specific research by students enrolled in universities abroad and by international researchers interested in the Estonian language and culture.

Eligible to apply for the Estophilus scholarship are foreign students. Estonian language proficiency is an advantage, but not required.

The scholarship program is managed by Estonia’s Education and Youth Board (Harno). The deadline for applications is Wednesday, March 15.

Upcoming events

Vikerraadio’s e-dictation competition (March 14, online)

March 14 is Native Language Day (emakeelepäev) in Estonia, and for the 16th time, Vikerraadio will mark the occasion by holding its annual e-dictation (e-etteütlus) competition.

First celebrated as an official holiday in Estonia in 1999, Native Language Day is celebrated on the birthday of Kristjan Jaak Peterson (1801-1822), one of the founding fathers of Estonian poetry. The live event is in Estonian, but open to participants worldwide.

Learning Estonian Digitally webinar (March 14, online)

Want to use your spare time in a meaningful way by learning Estonian from the comfort of your own home? Come and join the International House of Estonia for a webinar on how to learn Estonian fully digitally via the Teams online platform.

Language Roulette: virtual conversations (March 21, online)

Language Roulette (Keelerulett) invites you to practice Estonian online! We meet virtually on Zoom in the format of short conversations. We chat in Estonian for a limited time in a random group. Positive and open atmosphere guaranteed. Language Roulette is organized and hosted by the Integration Foundation.

What is Global Estonian?

Global Estonian is an online portal, in Estonian and English, and network for Estonians and friends of Estonians around the world.

Managed by the Integration Foundation, Global Estonian brings together news, events, culture, organizations, support programs, learning opportunities and a wealth of other information from Estonian communities abroad, all in one central gateway.

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