Telli Menüü

Growing deep roots; growing Seedrioru’s future!

The Co-vid 19 virus has wreaked havoc and has reached all corners of our world, but with every catastrophe, there is always a silver lining!

For Seedrioru, it has given our new Board the opportunity to press the “RESTART” button: first to honour our rich past as a laager and as a community.

Our Heartfelt Thanks

We want to publically thank all of our volunteers,
both past and present who have put in many hours quietly working away and always leaving Seedrioru better when they have found it.

It warms our hearts to see all of the people that come out EVERY year; young and old working side by side to keep the property in good working order.

For laager we continue to have a bevy of dedicated volunteers who come back year after year to infuse Eestlus into every kind of activity so that our future generations are able to learn about and appreciate our extremely rich and vibrant culture.

For all of the staff who have come (Directors of the Board included) we are so grateful for your time, your guidance in creating such memorable weeks of camp for all of the campers. I for one, have many vivid memories of all of the fun times spent every summer as I would attend for every week offered, and would cry all the way home sad for all of the fun to end- and start counting down for next year! And I know that I am not the only camper (past and present) that feels this way!

We thank our 4 societies; namely Kitchener Estonian Society, Hamilton Estonian Society, London Estonian Society and the St. Catharines Estonian Society for their continued support supplying wonderful meals for work weekends or in kind donations- we couldn’t survive without your support!

We also want to extend our thanks to the Estonian Foundation for their years of generosity. They have been the greatest source of our camps programming offering financial support for years-but we need your help so that they can continue to support us. Please visit and direct your donation to Seedrioru.


So this pandemic pause has given us the opportunity to review laageri operations specifically:
-our laagri mission statement
-job descriptions
-hiring practices and subsequent training for incoming staff
-review of staff handbook
-review of safety standards and practices for laager
-review and prioritize upcoming projects to enhance programming

Parent Involvement

A parent survey went out the first week of January 2021 to all of our past and present families and closed Jan 29. We have formed a Parent committee consisting of a cross-section of parents from a variety of cities (Kitchener,Burlington,Grimsby,Toronto,Hamilton-Dundas) and are meeting to discuss the results of the survey and involve them proactively in the planning not only of this year’s laager but to set a 5 year plan in motion so that we are consciously planning and re-evaluating each year to ensure that we are on target for our goals.

Staffing camp: Day Camp or Overnight camp?
We are actively recruiting for counsellors who speak Estonian with working fluency, enjoy working with children aged 4-15 and who will make every effort to expand their knowledge of the Estonian Language and further their understanding of their unique Estonian culture.

Come and grow Eestlus with us!

Please send your resume by March 31 to
Karen Must Board camp co-ordinator to
Need more information: no problem! Email Karen at
As for day camp or overnight camp-STAY TUNED! That will be dictated by the spread of Covid 19-the Province, and specifically by Wellington Centre Public Health Department. We are busy planning for both scenarios!

Tentatively camp will run from July 5-29,2021

Stay tuned for monthly updates of exciting projects and tegevused being added to the laagri experience!!!!

Karen Must (writer) and Team Seedrioru’s Board of Directors:
Lia Hess, Helle Torm-Newland, Rutti Yalle, Ken Ahlberg, Toomas Aasa, Rein Pertens, Madis Tambre ja Karen Must

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