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Highlights from the 2024 Regeneron International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF)

ISEF is a very prestigious international science and engineering fair held each year for high school students from around the world. This year it was held in Los Angeles, California from May 11-17. Projects covered a wide variety of topics ranging from Animal Sciences, Chemistry, Environmental Engineering, as well as Robotics and Intelligent Machines, to name just a few.

This year, the George D. Yancopoulos Innovator Award ($75,000) went to Grace Sun (Kentucky, USA) for her project #MATS014 on “Novel Chemical Doping Strategy to Enhance N-Type Organic Electrochemical Transistors”. The project identified a new chemical dopant (Bu4NCl) and new doping strategy for OECT (organic electrochemical transistor) enhancement. This very prestigious award is given each year to projects which demonstrate not only outstanding and innovative research but also show potential impact on the world at large.

From Estonia, Jaagup Kuuskla and Fred Järv presented their project #CHEM044T on “Mechanochemical Remediation of Trichloropropane”. They felt that “ISEF is a unique opportunity to showcase your work on an international scale. This experience has been extraordinary and we recommend taking part in it whenever possible! We got here thanks to the Estonian National Contest of Young Scientists. We won the III award there and the opportunity to come to ISEF. We want to further develop mechanochemistry in order to find even more possibilities and more environmentally friendly ways to convert pollutants into useful substances.”

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Hind alates $2.30 nädalas.

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