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How two Estonian-Canadians are influencing the children’s book world

In many ways, Canadians do an excellent job of promoting their country’s own talent. One force behind this effort is The Canadian Children’s Book Centre (CCBC ; The CCBC supports Canadian authors, illustrators, and publishers, increasing an appreciation for literature among youth through a variety of initiatives.

You may be surprised to know that two Estonian-Canadians — Urve Tamberg and Anne Remmel — are the respective President and Vice President of the CCBC’s Board of Directors. Read more below about the CCBC and these Estonians’ contributions to the cultural landscape of the country.

Urve Tamberg and Anne Remmel holding the latest issue of Book News in which CCBC reviews new Canadian books for all ages
Urve Tamberg and Anne Remmel holding the latest issue of Book News in which CCBC reviews new Canadian books for all ages

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