And if we’re going to have all this snow around, we might as well have some fun with it, whether you’re a kid or an adult. Previously we explained cross-country skiing technique. This time around, we’re talking about snow forts. (Adults, we promise this is more fun and less tiring than shovelling the driveway.)
If you’re going to be victorious in any snowball fights or simply want a place of your own to hang out in the snow, you should consider building a fort of some kind. The walls give you defence from incoming projectiles, basically absorbing anything that comes your way. That gives you more time to make snowballs and then retaliate. And snow is pretty good at blocking out those intense gusts of wintry wind, too.
Placement: For a snowball fight-worthy fort, think about where your enemies are likely to approach from. Are you in a field that connects to a neighbourhood? Set up with the front wall facing the main access point of the field so that you can delay enemy entry into the field.
You don’t want to be exposed. You don’t want to be short of snowballs either, so make a bunch of those in advance and keep them inside your fort.
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