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Iga asja peale mihkel: Sewing a Button

Oftentimes when contemplating what one has learned or is currently learning in school, people voice the desire for curriculum to include practical skills, such as how to file one’s own taxes or how to do an oil change for their car. These certainly are skills that don’t get much attention in the average person’s basic education, instead being skills that one has to teach themselves or are taught at home by family members.

In September 2024, Ontario’s provincial government posted a survey asking people to state “what practical life skills you think are important” and “what other skills you think students should learn in school”, apart from skills such as critical thinking, digital literacy, communication, and global citizenship. Perhaps one of these would be sewing, if Canada’s sewing ability is anything like that of the UK: in 2017, a British Heart Foundation poll of over 2,000 people found that 59% of people were “unable to sew confidently or at all.”

It’s never too late, however, to pick up a skill like this. And even just knowing how to sew a button onto a piece of clothing will save you time and a bit of money, all the while maintaining your clothes in tip-top shape. So, should a button ever come off a jacket, shirt, or other garment of yours, here’s how to fix it.

All you’ll need is:

-a garment of clothing that needs a replacement button

-a replacement button of the correct size

-a spool of thread with the same thickness and colour of the thread used on the other buttons

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