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Järve and Peegel art exhibition at the Estonian House on June 13-14, 2015.

The exhibition was organized by long standing ekkt honorary member Jaak Järve and joining him was one of our newest EKKT member Andrus Peegel from Tartu, Estonia. The exhibition was officially opened by Mrs. Kai Kiilaspea editor of "Eesti Elu" at 7:00 pm on Saturday evening. It was followed by a reception with wine and cheese. The exhibition itself was beautiful and very well received by all who attended. A most sincere thank you to Kai Kiilaspea for her eloquent opening remarks and to all the guests who visited the exhibition and especially to those who purchased some works. A big thank you to Jaak Järve who organized the exhibition.

Jaak Järve oma tööde juures. Foto: Paul Kiilaspea

First I introduce you to Andrus Peegel, who was born in Tartu in 1955. He graduated from Tartu Art School, Tartu University in history, worked for Edasi, Postimees, T.Ü. Publishing creating work for various publishers, exhibitions and teaches at Tartu Art School.

All the works by both artists were done by digital print. Each artist had his own style which was strong and impressive. All works were beautifully framed with plexyglass facings. Andrus Peegel's work #1 titled “A Woman with Bird” was strong and colourful with good composition. His #2 work “Handwriting” was strong in composition with milder tones. #3 “Memories” was a serious and dramatic work which clearly reminded viewers of the horrible deportation of Estonians to Siberia in 1940. #4 “Above the Clouds” was an excellent abstract composition with strong movement, admired by many. #5 “Saaremaa Motif” was a delicate and interesting composition. #6 “Estonian Fishes” abstract work was done in the Estonian tricolours with excellent composition. #7 “Old Tree” was a symbolic and dramatic tree trunk with a rich history. #8 “Fogot my Password” was a delicious reclining lady of the night. #9 “Please click O.K.” was a cheerful woman in the early twenties in colourful tones. $10 “Too Much Butterflies” was a very colourful and light composition of butterflies. #11 “Fallers” was a very dramatic and thought- provoking work with three men in free- flight falling. #12 ” You Know Me Anyway” was a composition of movie star Marilyn Monroe without her facial features.

Jaak Järve was born in 1956 in Toronto. Attended the University of Toronto acquiring a BSc degree. Owner of Jack Lake Productions Inc., a publishing company. His works were mostly dominated by the Estonian tricolor colours. His work #13 “Easter April 2008” was a peaceful religious motif with excellent composition. #14 “St. John's Day 2007” was an excellent composition of a campfire in the evening, which was considered one of the favourite works by many guests. #15 “St. John's Day 2002” was a simple composition of a child waving the Estonian flag surrounded by oak leaves. #16 “Easter April 2003” was a portrait of Jesus Christ, very impressive and peaceful to look at. #17 “Independence Day February 2000” was a strong composition of the 1918 Tall Herman tower with the Estonian flag and decorative oak leaves. #18 “St. John's Day June 2010” – good composition including a young Estonian couple looking forward together to a peaceful future in a new land. #19 “St. John's Day June 2005” modernized Estonian folk dancers portrayed a very robotic feel. #20 “Easter April 2002” was a good composition with cross and Estonian colours. #21 “Easter April 2009” Jesus Christ rising was delicate and peaceful ascending to heaven. #22 “Independence Day February 2010″ was a very unique composition of the Estonian flag with three lions drumming with the words faith, hope and bravery. #23 ” Christmas December 2008″ was a very interesting composition including a Christmas maiden and a polar bear in a snowy setting. #24 “St. John's Day, June 2008” was a powerful work showing an Estonian mother figure holding the Estonian flag with the words “Eesti on mu isamaa” at the bottom. The dates on Jaak Järve's works represented the publishing dates from the Eesti Elu/Estonian Life newspaper, when they appeared on the front cover. All the works were priced at $150.00 each and those who missed the show may be able to purchase them soon through the EKKT website , which is

Mai Vomm Järve, EKKT President

PHOTOGALLERY – Photos by Jaak Järve, Kai ja Paul Kiilaspea

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