Telli Menüü

Jolly old Santa has arrived in town!

Photo by Lillian Lennox (2017)

The Christmas party scene is in full swing in the Toronto Estonian community and has good old Santa trekking back and forth between the Estonian House and Tartu College to disperse good will and gifts to children of all ages. On Sunday December 3rd, as the korp! Amicitia and korp! Frat. Estica families arrived at Tartu College for their 13th annual joint Christmas celebration, they experienced a comforting sense of familiarity – the wonderful aroma of “hapukapsad” (sauerkraut) and “verivorstid” (blood sausages) wafting through the corridors of Tartu College. All the other traditional sights, tastes and sounds of Tartu College Christmas parties past were present on December 3rd, starting with warm words  of greeting from Amicitia’s “esinaine” Heili Toome and Estica’s “esimees” Avo Kittask and ending with a visit from the jolly red-suited fellow with the booming voice, exuberant personality and a friendly “Merry Christmas” for everyone. The deeply engrained and cherished Estonian tradition of having children perform for Santa to “earn” their gift, has been passed on to today’s generation of young parents and the children’s performances last Sunday not only brought a smile to Santa’s lips, but also brought joy to the hearts of parents and grandparents alike. Santa’s helpers Tiina, Linda and Krista wouldn’t confirm, but word on the street has it that “Jõuluvana” (Jaak Järve) is off to his next gig at Eesti Maja on December 9th. 

Ellen Leivat, Toronto

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