Vaimuliku mälestustalituse viis läbi pastor Jüri Puusaag, muusikalises osas kaunistasid talitust Erik Kreem orelil ja klaveril, ja Toronto Eesti Meeskoor Ave Kittaski juhatusel. Lipuvalve oli korraldanud korp! Fraternitas Estica vennaskond.
Laas oli oma elupäevil tuntud eeskätt rahvamehena, kes oma muhedat hiidlaslikku huumorit vaka all ei pidanud – omadus, mis põrmugi ei vähendanud tema diplomaadi väärikust ega kõigutanud autoriteeti. Sellekohast vesimärki kandis ka talituse atmosfäär. Kogu eestlaskonna lein oli sügav ja siiras, kuid püsis sordiini all, inimlik soojus murdis end kaotusvalust läbi.
Tütar Maaja meenutused lahkunust olid liigutavalt hardad, kuid maitsekalt pipardatud isalt päritud huumoriga ja esitatud samast allikast ammutatud näitlejatalendiga.

Fotod: Tiiu Roiser ja Eesti Elu
Pärast pastori avasõna ja alguspalvet laulis kogudus koraali ,,Kalla, kallis Isa käsi“. Pastor luges pühakirja, millele järgnes meeskoorilt traditsiooniline August Topmani ,,Reekviem“. Siis tuli kogu talituse kauneim ja südamlikem osa, mille viis läbi lahkunu perekond. Tütar Maaja meenutused lahkunust olid liigutavalt hardad, kuid maitsekalt pipardatud isalt päritud huumoriga ja esitatud samast allikast ammutatud näitlejatalendiga. Neli noort neidu – lapselapsed kahest perekonnast – lugesid ladusas ja veatus eesti keeles Lydia Koidula luuletuse ,,Eesti muld ja eesti süda“.
Meeskoor paigutas end poodiumile. Lahkunud lauluvenna mälestuseks kõlas koori moto ja selle järel lese erisoovil Aleksander Läte igihaljas ,,Kuldrannake“.
Eesti Vabariigi suursaadik Kanadas Margus Rava järelhüüe valitsuse nimel sisaldas kaks teadet. Välisminister Margus Tsahkna poolt oli Tartu Rahu 104. aastapäeva puhul Laas Leivatile postuumselt annetatud Jaan Poska mälestusmedal, mille suursaadik nüüd lahkunu lesk Ellen Leivatile üle andis. Ühtlasi luges ta ette president Alar Karise pöördumise lese poole kaastundeavaldusega.

Järelhüüdeid laususid veel korp! Fraternitas Estica Toronto koondise seenior vil! Tiit Romet, Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas esinaine Kairi Hemingway ja lahkunu sõber Marcus Kolga. Koguduse teine laul, rahvalik ,,Ma tahaksin kodus olla“ kõlas klaveri saatel. Avo Kittask esitas soololauluna Mitch Leigh ,,Tõotuse laulu“ muusikalist ,,Mees La Manchast“.
Pärast pastori lõppsõna ja leinava koguduse ühist lõpupalvet kogunesid altari ette korporandid traditsiooniliseks leinalauluks ,,On vendadest meil lahkund üks siit ilmast“.

Lipud lahkusid kirikust. Pastor teatas, et kõik on palutud mälestusteenistust jätkama peielauas Läti Keskuses. Kirik tühjenes helisalvestuse saatel, milleks oli Joni Mitchelli ,,Both Sides Now“.
Laasi meenutasid ta poeg Risto, lähedased sugulased Helle Arro ja Bill Turnbull, lapsepõlvesõber Tõnu Küng ning mitmete organisatsioonide esindajad…
Läti Keskuses toimunud peiedel oli tseremooniameister Märt Matsoo. Laasi meenutasid ta poeg Risto, lähedased sugulased Helle Arro ja Bill Turnbull, lapsepõlvesõber Tõnu Küng ning mitmete organisatsioonide esindajad: Thomas Heinsoo (EV Aupeakonsulaat), Timo Lige (Toronto Eesti Baptisti Kogudus), Jaak Järve (Eesti Kunstnike Koondis Torontos), Ülo Isberg (Eesti Ohvitseride Kogu) ja Kai Kiilaspea (Eesti Elu).
Kolleegid toimetusetoas silmitsevad nukralt tühjaks jäänud tooli ja lohutavad end lõpulaulu eestikeelsete sõnadega ,,Ma näinud elu kahelt poolt“. See kehtib ainult Laasi puhul, kes on teispoolsusse jõudnud. Teised kujutlevad temalt päritud huumoriga, kuidas ta piiri ületades ankeeti täitis. Sinna märgiti isikulised andmed: rahvus – hiidlane, elukutse – eestlane.
Head puhkamist, sõber Laas! Sa olid hea kolleeg.
Fotod: Eesti Elu

In Memoriam Laas Leivat on behalf of EKN
Kallis Laas,
Today, we gather to honor and remember a remarkable man, Laas Leivat. A mentor, a leader, and a cherished member of our community.
Laas's journey was one of profound dedication and service to the Estonian community in Canada. His contributions were not just acts of leadership, but a testament to his unwavering commitment to preserving our culture, history, and identity far from our Estonian homeland. Through his work on both EKN and ÜEKN (Ülemaailmne Eesti Kesknõukogu), Laas became a beacon for many, guiding us through challenges and reminding us of the strength found in unity and shared purpose.
He first joined the Estonian Central Council, when it was called the Rahvuslik Välisvõitluse Nõukogu, in 1972 and served until two weeks ago.
Laas was a true Estonian patriot. He dedicated much of his work, and most of his life, to fighting for freedom and democracy in Estonia. His greatest contributions were through his work on the Estonian Central Council/Eestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas (EKN). He was a member for over 50 years, first becoming its chairman in 1980, at the age of 39.
At the time, he represented the younger generation and became one of the first in his age group to take on a prominent community leadership position. Laas brought youth, renewed energy and new ideas to the organization in a decade that would see much turmoil and enormous change for Eesti and the world. He navigated the waters skilfully with his ability to build relationships with Canadian, provincial and municipal governments, Estonian dissidents, Estonian diaspora central organizations and Baltic leaders in Canada.
As a fervent freedom fighter, Laas played a significant role in the restoration of Estonian independence – organizing ESTO events when Estonia was behind the Iron Curtain and serving as a member of the Estonian Congress 1990-1992, as well as being a member of the Estonian Committee.
He worked closely with honorary consul Ilmar Heinsoo and together they continued the tradition of Baltic Evenings on Parliament Hill, with the purpose of informing and lobbying Members of Parliament, cabinet ministers and prime ministers. The 1980’s was the decade of the establishment of the Canada Parliamentary Support Group for the Baltics, the Deschenes commission, successful lobbying for the release of Estonian dissidents Mart Niklus and Veljo Kalep from Soviet prison camps, and an ever-increasing understanding that something monumental could change for Estonia after 50 years of Soviet occupation. It was the Singing Revolution and Eesti Kongress – Congress of Estonia – which came together for the first time, in March 1990 in Tallinn, with Laas leading the delegation of 8 elected Canadian members.
This is only a small fraction of Laas’ work and achievements in the Estonian political arena.
I personally feel that one of Laas's most enduring legacies is his role as a mentor – definitely to many of us on EKN and at Eesti Elu too. He had an innate ability to recognize potential in others and to nurture it with patience, wisdom, and encouragement. Laas believed in empowering the future generations of leaders, demonstrated through his own leadership – in addition to being an incredible orator, he was equally a listener – he was always calm and civil to others – and when he spoke, people listened. He instilled in us the values of hard work, integrity, and community service. His leadership and guidance helped shape the minds and hearts of a new generation; ensuring that the “flame of our heritage would burn brightly in the hands of those who follow”.
I respected his insight, and unwavering commitment to our EKN mission – to represent, unite and support the preservation of Estonian culture, our language, history, heritage and identity in communities across Canada.
But Laas's legacy is not solely found in his public deeds; it lives on powerfully in his family, especially his four grandchildren. They embody the spirit of their grandfather—his resilience, his passion for Estonian heritage, and his commitment to community service. These remarkable young women are a testament to the values Laas held dear, and in them, his legacy continues to inspire and influence our Estonian community. They serve as a reminder of Laas's belief in the importance of cultural identity, and the strength of women in leading and shaping the future.
As we reflect on Laas's life and contributions, let us remember the warmth of his smile, the strength of his convictions, and the depth of his commitment to our community. Let us carry forward his legacy of mentorship, leadership, and community service, ensuring that the future generations of Estonians, in Canada and beyond, remain connected to their heritage, inspired by their past, and prepared to meet the challenges of the future.
Laas’ inexplicable presence was a rare gift to EKN, to our entire community.
As we mourn the loss of Laas Leivat, we also celebrate his remarkable and lifelong and enduring contributions. His legacy will continue to inspire the Estonian Canadian community and all those who value freedom, justice and the preservation of cultural heritage. His memory and achievements will forever be a guiding light for future generations.
Laas was respected by everyone. With the passing of Laas, the entire global Estonian community lost a powerful leader and a reliable partner.
We express our condolences to his wife Ellen, children Risto and Maaja and their families.
We remember with gratitude Laas Leivat's lifelong contribution to preserving Estonian freedom, language and culture.
Rest in peace dear Laas.
