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Koop Cup 2023

Evelyn Koop and Kalev Estienne Rhythmic Gymnastics Centres would like to invite you to the 2023 Koop Cup being held at the Markham Pan Am Centre, April 27–30, 2023. With thirteen countries and 680 gymnasts competing, this is the largest rhythmic gymnastics competition in Canada.

Evelyn Koop, a staunch Estonian, has dedicated her life to nurturing and promoting the sport here since the early 1950’s. At that time there were many fitness teams performing what was then known as “modern gymnastics”. Evelyn organized structured rhythmic gymnastics in Canada. Hers is the oldest and largest RG club in the country, and she also has been responsible for introducing it to other countries world wide, including China. In addition, she was instrumental in having the sport included in the Olympics. Kalev Estienne Rhythmic Gymnastics Academy trains girls from toddlers to women in their 60’s. Their programs range from recreational to Olympic level. Now in her 93rd year, Evelyn is celebrating 72 years of rhythmic gymnastics in Canada!

This year has been exceptional, culminating with the club placing first at the 2023 Elite Ontario Championships, sweeping the podium with gold medals in the novice, junior and senior categories. Kalev gymnasts compete in all major competitions and do very well. They also represent Canada on the world stage. Their aesthetic group gymnastics team travelled to Graz, Austria in November 2022 for the AGG World Championships, and in September Kalev had three athletes on Team Canada who went to the 39th FIG World Championships in Sofia, Bulgaria.

In addition to competitions, Kalev is very proud of its ladies group – formed from Evelyn’s original athletes who toured the world with her competing, and who now stay involved for fitness and fun. And they are still nimble and beautiful, and perform and compete! Kati Tihane, Heli Oder and Tamara Tambre are also now coaching.

Kalev often receives invitations from community organizations to perform and will be taking part at the Yonge/Dundas Square Community Folk Art Council event on June 27th with the ladies group and more senior athletes. And they have been honoured with an invitation from the Estonian Embassy in Ottawa to perform at the traditional European Union Cultural Fair on June 11th. While the members of its organization are now culturally diverse, they are very proud of their Estonian heritage, and continue to give back to this community. In addition they have hired a number of Ukrainian coaches, and are sponsoring a talented young Ukrainian gymnast who is a war refugee.

Join us and see what we are all about! Now registering for summer camp.



Click here to see Koop Cup 2023 schedule.

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