Osta, müü, vaheta ja leia abikäsi järgmistele talgupäevadele!
Job posting
Web developer wanted
Looking for a developer with experience in building and maintaining complex websites (Wordpress custom solutions) and managing VPS. Knowledge of SEO is a bonus.elis@tartucollege.ca
Please send your resume to elis@tartucollege.ca -
Youth Journalism Contest
Want to win $150? Join Eesti Elu’s Youth Journalism Contest
Eesti Elu / Estonian Life Newspaper is excited to announce a new journalism contest (which includes a cash prize) designed to engage Estonian youth aged around 12 to 15 across Canada in a creative exploration of their heritage through journalism.natalie@eestielu.ca eestielu.ca
Tagasi kooli
Eesti Elu digileht kõikidele õpilastele - 50%
Harjuta eesti keelt.eestielu.ca
Oled kursis kogukonna ürituste ja uudistega.
Loed põnevaid lugusid kogukonnakaaslastest.
Ööbik, T.E.A.S.
Segakoor Ööbik kutsub laulma
Join the Ööbik mixed choir for fun weekly practices and lively repertoire.estomaris@gmail.com
Monday nights from 7-9 pm, beginning September 9th at Tartu College. -
Alli Vähi
tema 100.a. sünnipäeval 2. augustil 2024
Armas vilistlane
Alli Vähi
Õnnitleme Sind 100.a. sünnipäeva puhul
Stand with Ukraine
Over the next few weeks, the Estonian Central Council (EKN) will be distributing #STANDWITHUKRAINE postcards to Estonian organizations in Canada. We are asking you to send the postcards to your Member of Parliament. The back of the postcard has a prepared text and spaces for your name, email and address. Please address to your Member of Parliament.estoniancouncil.ca -
Pärnu memorial to commemorate the Mass Flight 1944
Pärnu Memorial
Committee work is voluntary, but financial support is needed to fund the creation of a Memorial in Pärnu. The City of Pärnu has granted land in the park by Pärnu river where many of the boats filled with refugees started their trip across the Baltic. The memorial is dedicated to all Estonians who suffered during the Mass Flight.eeroesimees@gmail.com eerocanada.com -
"Meie reliikviad"
Suurpõgenemise 80. aastapäevale pühendatud kogumisaktsioon
Seoses 1944. aasta suurpõgenemise 80. aastapäevaga korraldab VEMU kogumisaktsiooni „Meie reliikviad“, mille käigus ootame muuseumi esemeid, fotosid ja arhiivimaterjale, mida põgenedes Eestist kaasa võeti ja neid saatvaid lugusid.info@vemu.caVEMU Estonian Museum Canada, 310 Bloor St. W. Toronto, ON M5S 1W4
vemu.ca -
Kolmapäeval, 4. detsembril
Kell 12 GILDIRING. Uued liikmed tere- tulnud!