The Friends of St. Peter’s Church are pleased that the Executive of St. Peter’s has acknowledged our 16-page Business Plan proposal that was presented to them.
They have asked that we present it for discussion at the special meeting of the congregation (Täiskogu koosolek) called for November 12, 2022, beginning at 1:00 pm. We believe this proposal should be available for everyone for review in advance of the meeting. We have sent a copy to all members whose contact information was provided to us. The plan is available for review on our website at
This Draft Proposed Business Plan takes into account your responses to a recent survey that we distributed. It is not meant to be a final draft, nor a formal proposal, but rather a document with which to begin collaboration with the current church Executive.
We need your help to encourage that collaboration!
If you or your loved ones were confirmed at Peetri Kirik but have not been active in the last 6 years (and so did not receive the invitation to the meeting from the Church Executive), please be encouraged within the next week to:
1. end a donation to the church via e-transfer; and
2. end an e-mail to advising them of the donation and their request to be added to the membership list.
What happens to our church should reflect the collective will of all our members. Everyone should have an opportunity to be heard and counted.
Let’s join forces to keep our beautiful church alive and vibrant, for ourselves, and to serve many generations to come!
Please plan to attend the next Täiskogu Meeting, to be held on November 12th, 2022 at 1:00 p.m.