The slimster got to musing on this theme, when supine on the couch, listening to our national treasure, the CBC. They played one of his all-time favourites, Brahms’ symphony no. 1 in entirety. Took the lean one back decades, far too many to admit in number, when first this masterpiece was heard. And the story behind it.
Seems Brahms was such a perfectionist that it took him almost two decades to compose the dagnab thing. Not due to laziness and procrastination. But the fear that he would be compared to Beethoven, the composer of so many great symphonies led him to not believe in his work. In fact, he burned completed manuscripts in his fireplace over the years, so as not to have them lying around,….
(Read more: Estonian Life No. 20 2021 paber- and PDF/digi)
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