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Making the most of your pumpkin, from folk patterns to snacks for wildlife

Halloween on käes! The season of pumpkins, crunchy leaves, skeletons, ghosts, and other spooky characters is here. Have you got your costume ready? Does your family have treats at the door? And what about decorations?

If you’re still unsure about decorations, consider carving your pumpkin in a slightly different way than the usual jack-o’-lantern faces — try out an Estonian design!

Folk patterns: Estonia has many different folk patterns that vary depending on where you go in the country. In Rõuge parish of Võru County (southern Estonia), you'll find big Xs and diamonds with dots. In Saare County, we can see eight-pointed stars. In Paide, Järva County (central Estonia), you'll find sleeves and collars embroidered with round flowers and curly stems. Head over to the rahvaroivad.ee website to search for each parish’s patterns and sketch out some shapes you’d like to carve.

A Rõuge pattern (source: folkcostume.blogspot.com)
A Rõuge pattern (source: folkcostume.blogspot.com)

Täismahus artikkel on loetav Eesti Elu tellijatele

Igal nädalal toome me sinuni kõige olulisemad kogukonna uudised ja eksklusiivsed lood uutelt kolumnistidelt. Räägime eestlastele südamelähedastest teemadest, kogukonna tegijatest ja sündmustest. Loodame sinu toele, et meie kogukonna leht jätkuks pikkadeks aastateks.

Hind alates $2.30 nädalas.

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