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Montreal Baltic Artists’ Association marks its 10th anniversary

It was ten years ago: Montreal, 2002. Spring. A warm, sunny day, if memory serves me correctly. The Montreal Baltic Philatelic Society was holding an exhibition at the Latvian House, and local artists with Estonian, Latvian, and Lithuanian heritage had been invited to take part in the exhibition. I remember looking around at the walls and being struck both by the number of participants and by the quality of the work displayed.
BAA executive members: Ausra Geraleviciute ( Lithuanian representative), Hille Viires ( Estonian representative, Ann Kallaste BAA president, Inara Leimanis (Latvian representative).

I apparently wasn't the only one; more than a few of us realized that we had a very strong community of active artists. After some informal discussion, we decided we should meet to discuss the possibility of forming an art club.

The meeting was fruitful. We shared a common vision of an organization having at its heart a spirit of co-operation among the three groups, and we further realized that such an organization would enable us to celebrate and promote the art and cultural heritage of the Baltic States. Thus was born the Baltic Artists' Association.

Our first decade of existence has seen us hold a number of lectures and workshops, as well as exhibitions. We have typically presented two exhibitions per year: one devoted to art and crafts and the other featuring fine art. Several popular outings to the National Gallery in Ottawa have been organized. Our Christmas gatherings always offer a wonderful opportunity to create new friendships and share each other's culture.

The BAA's exhibitions have graduated from church basements to local art galleries. Ten years after that first meeting, the BAA is flourishing. We invite readers to view our web site at www.balticartistsmtl.ca. And of course, prospective new members are always encouraged to join us.

This year, the Baltic Artists' Association of Montreal will be holding its 10th annual fine art exhibition from September 21st to 28th at the Atelier Quartz gallery at 51, Westminster Ave. N, Montreal West. The gallery is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except Monday. The vernissage will be on Friday, September 21st, from 6 to 9 PM. This is a great opportunity for the Montreal public to familiarize itself with the creative talents of our artists and to celebrate our association's important anniversary.

Hille Viires

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