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Comment – New hope for victims, as Communism Memorial proceeds

Canada's new minister of heritage, Melanie Joly, delivered welcome relief to the Canadian victims of communism and their families by announcing Thursday the government will proceed with a relocated and redesigned Canadian Memorial to The Victims of Communism.

The status and histories of the nearly 8 million Canadians who make up the victims, refugees and their families, have been relentlessly marginalized by many critics of the memorial, who over the past 12 months engaged in a campaign to terminate the project.

On Thursday, questions about the location and design were answered by Minister Joly when she announced the memorial would be relocated to its originally planned space in The Garden of Provinces.

Critics of the proposed memorial have, quite fairly, pointed out the project should have been handled more carefully with respect to perceptions about partisanship. This caused it to be identified by many as a “Conservative project”.

There's no doubt the project exuded some partisanship: Any government would be expected to leave some imprint on a project of this scale. Despite this, Jason Kenney's leadership in supporting the victims and developing the memorial deserves positive recognition and the thanks of the millions of Canadians whose families suffered under Communist tyranny.

The memorial may have avoided some criticism and would certainly have benefited from broader consultations with stakeholders early in the process. Thankfully, Minister Joly has – as promised – reached out to a broad range of critics, supporters and community members and has ostensibly arrived at a consensus acceptable to all.

There is hope in the victims' community that the minister's announcement will also temper the rhetoric some writers, politicians and critics have used in their efforts to terminate the project.

Debate about the memorial became so overheated critics who would otherwise support the memorialization of the victims of human rights abuses, instead minimized, in cruel fashion, the suffering of the victims of communism. They asked: “Why must Canada forever be apologist to the world? If this, why not a Memorial to the Victims of Christianity? Victims of Capitalism?”

After the fall federal election, it became clear the project would require a dramatic shift in direction. Many of us feared the government would bow to opponents and terminate it altogether.

Foreign governments and NGO's began writing letters of concern about the way the victims and their history were being treated by critics of the project. Former Swedish MP and VP of the EU Parliamentary Assembly, Goran Lindblad, was so concerned he wrote to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau warning “Rhetoric being used by critics of the Memorial threatens to marginalize the crimes of Communism and their victims. We encourage Canadians to treat the victims and refugees of Communism and their families with respect and dignity.”

Though the tone of debate caused deep collateral damage, it's difficult to believe critics of the memorial ever intended to make the Canadian victims and their families feel less Canadian than others. It is regrettable their attacks on the memorial, and public denials of the existence of the victims of communism, made many Canadian victims feel ashamed about their history.

Today, it's become clear the new Canadian government agrees with Mr. Lindblad. There is renewed hope this national memorial will offer Canadian victims and their families some degree of solace and, perhaps, even justice.

By announcing they'll proceed with the Canadian Memorial to The Victims of Communism, the Trudeau government has reaffirmed to the world empathy and a commitment to human rights and dignity are fundamental values proudly shared by all Canadians.


Marcus Kolga for Ottawa Sun (December 17, 2015)


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