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NOTICE OF MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS Estonian House in Toronto Limited 6:30 P.M February 12, 2018

The Board of Directors (“Board”) of the Estonian House in Toronto Ltd. (“Eesti Maja”) have received a “Requisition For Shareholders’ Meeting” from a number of shareholders of Eesti Maja, requiring the Board to hold a shareholders’ meeting. The purpose of the meeting is set out in the Requisition, namely that the Board provide an update to shareholders as to the resolution passed by the shareholders April 25, 2017 with respect to the development of what is known as the “Madison Project”.

A series of meetings of the Estonian community are scheduled for this update: January 31,
February 21, March 14, April 4, 2018. The Board advised those requiring the shareholders’ meeting that the information they have requested will be dealt with in detail at these community meetings. However, they have insisted that a separate meeting solely for Eesti Maja shareholders be held.

This is their right, and the Board has agreed to call the shareholders’ meeting as well as the community meetings.
estonianhouse logo

It is important for you to attend the shareholder meeting at Eesti Maja on February 12th at 6:30 p.m. Invitations have been mailed, and where requested emailed, to all Shareholders. Shareholders who are unable to attend are urged to assign a proxy. Shareholders can register proxies by mail, addressed to the Secretary Eric Sehr at 958 Broadview Avenue, or by fax to 416-461-2017, or by email to Shareholders must return proxies to the Estonian House office at least six (6) hours in advance of the meeting in accordance with a resolution of the Directors of Eesti Maja.
Time Limit for Deposit of Proxies – Meeting February 12, 2018
The Notice of Special Meeting dated January 24, 2018 advised that the by-laws of Estonian House in Toronto Limited (“Eesti Maja”) required that proxies must be returned to the Estonian House office at least 6 hours before the meeting. This particular section of the by-laws was revoked in 1992.

Issues arose at the meeting of April 25, 2017 regarding the determination and validity of proxies. In an effort to assist the scrutineers of the shareholders’ meeting to be held February 12, 2018 to properly review and determine the validity of proxies in a timely manner, the directors of have requested that proxies should be deposited in a reasonable time prior to the commencement of the meeting.

A resolution of the directors of Eesti Maja has been passed which provides that proxies for the meeting of February 12, 2018 must be returned to the Estonian House office at least 6 hours before the meeting.


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