The Scarborough Rouge System (SRS) which has been the victim of constant staff reductions has now been given $1.1 billion for infrastructure improvements, replacing operating rooms. The most recent staff cutback occurred as late as the end of last year when they cut certain support staff by a half.
On Tuesday April 3, 2018, COD held a press conference at Queens Park pointing out that they haven't had a contract for five years. The wait times are getting longer with patients lining up in hallways and corridors.
The Ontario (Liberal) Health Minister Dr. Helena Jaczek countered that Ontario doctors are the best paid in developed countries (not Canada) and that they make on the average over $348,000 a year not including rent staff etc.) and specialists $100,000 more and 500 earning over a million dollars (not bad for spending half their life in studies).
Wynne, treasury Minister Charles D'Sousa and other Liberal members are now going around the province preaching the wonders of their budget which sounds rosy.
Adu Raudkivi, Toronto