Seltsidest raamatuklubideni, eesti majadest suvelaagriteni.
Heategevuslik organisatsioonEesti Sihtkapital KanadasEesti Sihtkapital Kanadas (ESK) on registreeritud heategevusorganisatsioon, mis loodi 1974. aastal energilise Eesti kogukonna toetamiseks. ESK toetab laias valikus Eesti kultuuripärandiga seotud tegevusi üle Kanada.
- (416) 465-5600
3 Madison Ave, tuba G2
community organizationEEROEERO is a registered Canadian charity supporting health, educational and community needs in Estonia.
- (647) 883-9357
17 Tufton Crescent
Nonprofit OrganizationIntegration FoundationFounded in 1998, the Integration Foundation initiates and supports projects/activities that promote integration in Estonian society and coordinates the efficient use of different resources in this area.
national foundationNational Foundation of Civil SocietyNational Foundation of Civil Society (NFCS) is state financed civil society fund in Estonia. According to the Statute, the goal of NFCS is to help building the capacity of Estonian non-profit associations and foundations to develop civil society and shape an environment that fosters civic action.
- +372 655 6240
Toompuiestee 33a
government organizationEnterprise EstoniaEstablished in 2000, Enterprise Estonia (EAS) is a national foundation that aims to develop Estonian economy through three principal areas of activity: Developing Estonian enterprises and boosting export capacity, increasing tourism revenue, and bringing high value-added foreign investments to Estonia.
- +372 627 9700
Lasnamäe 2
community organizationEestlaste Kesknõukogu KanadasEestlaste Kesknõukogu Kanadas (EKN), esindab Kanada eestlasi liikmesorganisatsioonide kaudu ja on tunnustatud kui Kanada eestlaste häälekandja Kanada ja Eesti valitsuste juures. EKNi eesmärk on tugevdada sidemeid eestlaste vahel Kanadas, Eestiga ja globaalselt ning säilitada ja edendada eesti kultuuri, keelt, ajalugu ja identiteeti.
310 Bloor St West
Estonian American Fund, Inc.Founded in 1990, the Estonian American Fund's mission is to help the educational, medical and scientific development in Estonia, to promote development of democratic institutions, and to provide equipment and supplies to institutions that care for the ill, children and poor.
cultural foundationThe Estonian Cultural Foundation in AustraliaThe ECFA aims to facilitate the promotion of Estonian culture in Australia. We do this by providing financial support to organizations and individuals who meet this goal.
141 Campbell St
Cultural foundationThe Foundation for Estonian Arts and LettersThe Foundation for Estonian Arts and Letters, Inc. is an American organization supporting and promoting Estonian arts and culture in the United States.
- (862) 222-4427
243 East 34th Street