For those interested in the photographic aspects, these competition photos were shot with a Nikon F2.8 fixed prime 300mm lens.(This lens was loaned to me by Nikon Professional Services. Its price is not for the faint of heart). It was my first experience with a fixed lens, so I had to learn to follow and especially anticipate the athletes' moves. Many shots were missed, but those that were caught were very gratifying. The vast majority of the photo gallery is un+cropped, just as it came out of the camera. ISO was only 1000, shutter speed 1/1600 seconds, aperture F2.8. The individual competition photos were taken from the Field of Play photographer positions. These are right under the judges. The closest gymnasts came to within 7 meters. For the team competition, I moved up to the first row of the spectators, just to experiment with a different vantage point.
Peeter Põldre
PHOTO GALLERY – Potos by Peeter Põldre (2015)