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Resources to Help Kids and Teens Learn Estonian

Are you a parent looking to teach your child the basics of Estonian vocab? Or maybe their skills are a little bit more advanced, but you still want them to practice? Check out these resources to get them started.

Designed for young beginners, this picture dictionary (pictionary) from the Eesti Keele Instituut contains eighteen topics of pictures and their meaning, including kehaosad (body parts), riided (clothing), jalanõud (footwear), toit (food), puuviljad ja marjad (fruits and berries), köögiviljad (vegetables), loomad (animals), linnud (birds), putukad (insects), lilled (flowers), sõidukid (vehicles), mööbel (furniture), pillid (instruments), nõud (dishes), kontoritarbed (office supplies), rööriistad (tools), värvid (colours), and tähtkujud (constellations). It's perfect to have hanging on your fridge or in the classroom. is perfect for parents to use with younger children who aren't ready to navigate language learning on their own, or for older kids who can explore it independently. It’s a comprehensive resource equipped with a phrasebook; a “translation trainer” that helps you learn sentence structure; vocabulary sorted by adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs; and video content. There are also books, tests, and games. is a point-and-click adventure game designed for intermediate speakers who can read Estonian but want to practice their grammar and conjugation. This is ideal for teens or older kids who want to brush up on what they learned in Estonian school, camp, or elsewhere.

Check out other resources for learning Estonian, available on our website!

This article was written by Natalie Jenkins as part of the Local Journalism Initiative.

Screenshot of Käänuk's website

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