Update #196
If you have not made a gift to KESKUS in 2023, “Saagu KESKUS” is the time to do it! Be sure to add your name to the 2023 Honour Roll list of supporters. Every donation is tax receipted and will help bring this ambitious, beautiful and timely project to completion.

With Estonia's consulates closing in North America, it is all the more important that the diaspora support enduring Estonian representation on this continent. What better way to do so than through a modern, award-wining architectural flagship building that is shaped like the country of Estonia itself.
This, in the heart of North America's fourth largest city. KESKUS will tell our story, and be woven into the fabric of the Annex neighbourhood, which TimeOut ranks among the top 40 coolest neighbourhoods in the world.
Now is the time!
The “Saagu KESKUS” campaign will be live starting the morning of November 22nd and runs for 48 hours, on www.raisedays.com/saagukeskus. Every campaign needs a head start of course, so consider making your donation today – all contributions made in the month of November will be added to the campaign's 2023 honour roll and entered into the “Saagu KESKUS” campaign. Now is the time!
To make a donation in advance of “Saagu KESKUS”, please call +1.647.250.7136 or email donations@estoniancentre.ca. Donations may be made as a family gift, or in honour of an individual or family. All donations are issued a tax receipt, in Canada via Estonian Arts Centre, US tax receipts via KBFUS and Estonian tax receipts via Eesti Rahvuskultuuri Fond.
KESKUS International Estonian Centre in downtown Toronto will be a dynamic hub showcasing our rich heritage and promoting Estonian innovation. It will be a vibrant gathering place for Estonians of all generations and backgrounds to connect, celebrate, and share our culture and achievements with each other and the world.
Read more about the project by signing up for the newsletter on the www.estoniancentre.ca website.
Let’s keep in touch
- Visit the KESKUS website for all the latest news and sign up for the monthly email newsletter, more than 1,100 have already done so!
- Follow us on Facebook @EestiKeskus, Twitter @keskus, Instagram @keskus.iec, more than 2,600 already do!