Telli Menüü


Once upon a time, there were four seltsid who dreamt of having a place where their children could be together, play, sing, learn and converse in Estonian.

It was not easy finding the perfect spot, one that was suitable for a children's camp, girlguides and scouts, for family camping and for song festivals.

After considering 50 acres of forest outside of Flamboro, also looking at another property which is now know as African Lion Safari, the perfect spot was found.

On Sunday, May 22, 1955, Arnold Voltre, aka “Seedrivana”, and Jüri Juurand drove over to Lot #3, Concession “C” township of Pilkington to have a look at a 62 1/2 acre property. Mr.Voltre left Mr. Juurand , along with the realtor in the car . Almost two hours later, cold and wet, Arnold Voltre came back and said, “Jüri, see on see koht!” “Jüri, this is the place!”

And as they say, the rest is history!

These wonderful pioneers, who were many, bought, planned, built and sustained this magical , one of a kind place called Seedrioru.

Bought in 1955, the first children's camp and song festival was held in 1956! Incredible! 474 volunteers, 352 men, 118 women working together, along with the spirit of Seedrioru and the strength of the Grand!
We thank you. We honour these immigrants,volunteers, parents, grandparents, who, while building their own personal lives, came together and built this loved and special Seedrioru! All for the lapsed, the children. For theirs, for ours, and for generations to come. To learn Estonian language and heritage. To sing Estonian songs by a camp fire, to dance in traditional colours and most importantly, to raise our Estonian flag. A place that keeps us together, where their efforts are not forgotten.

Seedrioru keeps growing through each generation as they bring in new ideas and ways of life.But one thing that stays constant is growth ……trees!, Covid19 caused the cancellation of Suvihari, children's summer camp and Seedrioru's 65th birthday last year.

However, we CAN celebrate Seedrioru's Summer Children's Camp turning 65 this year!

We can't hold hands but we can grow roots. We are celebrating in a different way while ensuring that Seedrioru thrives for years to come!


Purchase a beautiful 4 to 5 ft white birch tree for yourself, children, grandchildren or in memorium.
Come plant your birch tree in a predetermined spot in Seedrioru. However, if you can not make it , we will plant it for you. You will recieve a birthday certificate with each tree.
Commemorate the past and plant a tree for the future! Watch your roots grow, and with your financial support know that you will have contributed to the preservation of Estonian language, culture and youth of Seedrioru!


Hoo- rei, me Seedrioru noored
Vaba mets me kaitseja!

ORDER and BUY your trees NOW!

To order your tree's, first email Helle and Rutti at


Thanks to this wonderful community, we are SOLD OUT of trees!

Suit aitäh! A huge thank you to all of you for making this happen and supporting Seedrioru!
To add your name to our list should we plant more trees in the future, please email

Thank you to Northern Birch Credit Union
for supporting this initiative. With their support, all funds raised go directly to supporting Seedrioru.
works cited
Seedrioru 1955-1980

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