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Small Estonia boasts huge anthills

A nest of hibernating LAANE/KUKKLASED (wood ants) in Glehni Park in the Tallinn suburb of Nõmme last Tuesday on VABARIIGI AASTAPÄEV – the 97th anniversary of Estonian independence. A KUKLANE (Latin Formica) is a type of large SIPELGAS (ant) native to Eurasia, which prefers coniferous forests such as the sandy NÕMM (pine heath) of Nõmme. Their nests are constructed mainly of MÄNNI/OKKAD – pine needles. During the warm months, the tops of such nests are a bustle of activity, but currently there is complete silence. Some snow here and there, icy patches and temperatures dipping just above and below zero.
Photo by Riina Kindlam (2015)

Nothing like Canada is experiencing. Currently, there is significant snow on the ground only in the very S-E corner of Eesti and no ice roads this year.

Riina Kindlam, Tallinn

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