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Solving 9-11

The deception that changed the world

Earlier this year, investigative reporter Christopher Bollyn released his book – 'Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World', [Christopher Bollyn 2012], which looks at the events in the United States on September 11, 2001, and how this false flag terror deception was used by the American government to set foreign and domestic policies. "False flag terror" is a mechanism used by governments to create shocking events that can be blamed on targeted adversaries; then governments can orchestrate actions against those adversaries or their own people in the name of self defense.
9/11 - www.wikipedia.org

Blaming the 9/11 terror attacks on Al Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden has been used by the American government to initiate wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and to impose tighter civilian population control on Americans with the Patriot Act, the Department of Homeland Security and the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Most interesting is the fact that the U.S. Government has never shown any evidence or filed formal charges against Al Qaeda or Bin Laden.

Bollyn's book does not analyze how the three New York City World Trade Center (WTC) towers disintegrated into dust, how a soft-nosed 757 airplane was able to penetrate five walls of the Pentagon, or how nine of the supposed hijackers have been seen alive post 9/11. Rather Bollyn looks to expose the ‘hidden hand' that was at work orchestrating the events of that day from behind the scenes, and he looks at who benefited from this tragedy.

Christopher Bollyn's name will be familiar to Estonians who have done research on the September 28, 1994 sinking of the ferry Estonia, a tragedy which also today still has numerous unanswered questions. Key question about the Estonia tragedy is – why does the Swedish government wish to permanently bury the ferry under a concrete seabed barrier against the wishes of families who want to recover their relatives' remains for proper burial?

In this latest book ‘Solving 9-11: The Deception That Changed the World', Bollyn looks at how Zionists have historically created many terrorist false flag events including the 1946 bombing of the King David Hotel in Cairo, and the 1967 attempted sinking of the U.S.S. Liberty as vehicles which could be blamed upon their enemies, with the result that increased sympathy and global support could be garnered for Zionist Israel.

The destruction on September 11, 2001 fits the Zionist false flag terrorist strategy. To keep the truth contained, ‘gatekeepers' at many points are needed. One critical gatekeeper was American-Israeli dual citizen Michael Chertoff in the Department of Justice who oversaw the 9/11 investigation. Other key gatekeepers were – Philip Zelikow, executive director of the incomplete 9/11 Commission Report, the owners of the mainstream media (Levin, Eisner, Murdoch), site “clean-up” services (= evidence remova)l head Commissioner Sheirer, and U.S. District Judge Hellerstein who blocked wrongful death cases from coming to trial. These gatekeepers along with many others were positioned to keep the American public from knowing the truth about 9/11.

Bollyn also reminds the reader of several almost forgotten incidents from 9/11, namely – Israeli owned instant messaging service Odigio sent a warning text message two hours prior to the attacks; five Mossad surveilence agents who were placed to film the events of 9/11 were arrested dancing on a rooftop as the WTC towers burned, and an El Al flight with Mossad personnel was allowed to leave Kennedy for Tel Aviv when all other U.S. air traffic was grounded.

Prominent Israeli politicians Benjamin Netanyahu and Ehud Barak were very clear with their comments on September 11, 2001, declaring the terror attacks as ‘beneficial for Israel' and a reason to launch an American spearheaded ‘war against terror'. Thus this terror attack was meant to frighten and manipulate American public opinion to fight Israel's enemies, making Israel the major benefactor of these terror attacks. These attacks also gave the floundering George W. Bush presidency a boost post 9/11, and maybe they gave the impetus for his 2004 re-election.

Christopher Bollyn is a courageous writer trying to get to the truth on many topics that governments around the globe prefer to ignore. In his work, he has been assaulted by law enforcement officials in Schaumberg, Illinois, and has been attacked by the Anti Defamation League (ADL) as being anti-semitic.

Though Bollyn's book could have benefited from more editorial review and detailed footnoting (sources are named), Bollyn deserves credit for researching this important topic and for providing Americans with information that is not available in the mainstream media, in spite of the fact that 9/11 was been the raison d'etre for American policies during the last ten years. .

Christopher Bollyn's work can be reviewed on his website: http://www.bollyn.com

Toomas Trei

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