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St. Peter’s Estonian Lutheran Evangelical Church third family service – PHOTO GALLERY

On November 25, St. Peter's Estonian Lutheran Evangelical Church conducted its third family service, predominantly in English. Bishop Andres Taul and ministers Mart Salumäe, Tiit Tralla and Richard French presided. The congregation's vocal ensemble, directed by Sam Barton, performed choral compositions by Kuldar Sink, Roman Toi and Tomas Luis de Victoria. Organist Hanne Becker masterfully performed the hymns, highlighted by a selection from the Lutheran Song Book which established the theme for the service:

Time, like an ever-rolling stream, soon bears us all away,

We fly forgotten as a dream, Dies at the opening day.

St Peter's Church family service - Photo by Peeter Põldre

Traditionally, the last Sunday of the Church calendar is a service of remembrance. Family and friends of the 51 St. Peter's parishioners who passed away during the last year were specially invited to participate. On behalf of the congregation, Naani Holsmer lit 51 candles of remembrance as the bells tolled the beginning of the service. Reverend Mart Salumäe read out the names of all the departed. Holy communion followed. After the postludium, the congregants were invited to coffee in the Ladies Guild room.
The Church calendar begins with Advent, heralding in the Christmas holiday season. The next family service will be held on Christmas Eve at noon.

Peeter Põldre 



Photo gallery – Photos by Peeter Põldre


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