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St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrated a unique family worship service

On September 30, St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrated a unique family worship service. Special guests included the Cantata Choir of St. Catharines, directed by Dr. Gerzinus Hoekstra.

The service was conducted predominantly in English by Bishop Dr. Andres Taul, with readings from the Scriptures by Naani Holsmer, Peeter Poldre and Allar Viinamae. The congregation was also introduced to its new organist, Hanne Becker, who concluded the service with a moving postlude. A luncheon followed in the church hall.
St. Peter's Evangelical Lutheran Church celebrated a unique family worship service. Photo by Peeter Põldre

The next family worship service, again to be conducted predominantly in English, will occur on October 21. The special guest will be Dr. Paul Zabel, President of the Lutheran Church of Canada. Additional family worship services will occur on November 25 and December 24 at noon.

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