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St. Peter’s Lutheran Church anniversary and family day celebration

On October 21, St. Peter's Estonian Evanlegical Lutheran Church celebrated its anniversary with its second family worship service, conducted primarily in English. The special sermon was given by the President of the Lutheran Church of Canada, Paul Zabel. The balanced two-language selections of hymn started with "All glory, laud and honour.." and concluded with the inspirational Estonian hymn, "Pühakodu teiseks koduks ristimeses mulle sai..." (Upon my christening, this holy house became my second home).
Pastor Richard French, Bishop Andres Taul, President of the Lutheran Church of Canada Paul Zabel, Reverend Mart Salumäe. Photo: Peeter Põldre.

The service also featured unique choral pieces performed by the congregation's vocal ensemble, directed by Sam Barton. The works of composers Urmas Sisask, Roman Toi, Jean Sibelius and Veljo Tormis were highlights. The congregation's next family service is scheduled for November 25.


Peter's vocal ensemble, directed by Sam Barton, far right. Photo: Peeter Põldre.

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