Tallinn Science Park Tehnopol offers innovation programs to medium and large-sized companies as well as public sector organizations, helping them identify gaps in processes, products, and services, and finding innovative ways to solve these shortcomings.
Since 2020, Tehnopol has collaborated with the City of Tallinn to run Tallinnovation, an annual smart city innovation competition. The competition aims to support technology entrepreneurship as well as provide the citizens of Tallinn with a modern and sustainable environment to live and work in. The competition does offer monetary prizes for the best solutions, but even more importantly, companies get feedback from real users and experts, have a chance to test their products and services, and build a stronger business case for internationalization.
The 2023 winning solutions of Tallinnovation look to the sky, on land, and even on the sea. TrackDeep—originally an AI-powered surveillance system for border areas, military bases, and prisons—proposed to test a sensor system to monitor and guide unmanned aerial vehicles above the city. GScan’s cosmic ray scan enables an analysis of the composition and possible damage of buildings and other structures. They will be piloting their scanner on a building and a bridge in Tallinn.
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