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The faces of Jõekääru

Jõekääru camp is in its second week of sun, fun, learning and sports with Estonian friends from all around Ontario, the US and even Eesti. 
The friendly and TÖÖKAS (hard-working) kitchen staff of week 1 at Jõekääru. From the left are Monika (Wallner) Dumbrille from Montréal, Linda (Varve) Perry from North Bay, Ellen (Silm) Müürsepp from Connecticut, Kaili Kald, Brielle Migur and head chef Ülle Veltmann from Toronto and Riina Kindlam from Tallinn. Missing is local helper Krista Tamm. Foto: Merit Vahtra from Chicago

The majority of kasvatajad counselors hail from Estonia and the first week of laager (camp) was one of complete Estonian-language immersion for those with a good grasp of the language. The second, sports week saw the number of campers jump to 67 and will culminate in a Family Sports Day this Sat. and perekonna/päev (Family Day) starting at 11 am this Sunday, July 21.

Riina Kindlam

Ready for RAHVA/TANTS (folkdancing) in the shade of the SUUR SAAL (great hall). In the foreground are Kariina Järve and Jonathan (Kask) Wismer; behind them from the left are Tristen (Lepp) Ewing with Erik Musta and Keili (Leitham) Moore with Hunter (Varve) Perry. Foto: Riina Kindlam

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