Telli Menüü


This is NOT about sentimentality; IT IS however, about common sense and fiscal responsibility. Common sense dictates that the only practical, sensible and responsible choice is to keep this valuable asset and systematically re-develop and revitalize it to be the heart of the Estonian and local Broadview Ave. community.

We view Estonian House from a SUSTAINABLE and ATTAINABLE perspective.

SUSTAINABLE because rental income will increase through proactive marketing of improved/remodeled rental spaces. Presently marketing is non-existent relying only on past repeat renters. The EH Board has instead spent all of its efforts trying to devalue the Estonian House rather than revitalize it.

*Please note much has been made of the fact that Estonian House has a $250,000 debt to ETCU due entirely to money spent for 3 failed condo/development projects. This is not an insurmountable sum, the same or smaller than a loan for buying a house these days. Tartu College also has a sizable debt that is never mentioned.

SUSTAINABLE due to the availability of grants which so far have not been tapped and which other cultural and community centers have been built on.

SUSTAINABLE because recent fundraising events have proven the willingness to give and the generosity of our community and the surrounding neighbourhood to our cause and the individuals associated with it.

ATTAINABLE because we can pull together as a community to revitalize and redevelop the Estonian House property that has been purposefully neglected by the Estonian House Board for well over 10 years in order to fill an alternative self- serving agenda.

We have many architects, builders, engineers, designers and landscapers in our community. We just need to ask for their support, be fiscally responsible and contribute some of the work ourselves, as a means not only to SUSTAIN Estonian House but, in the process create a re-energized, thriving community spirit that lasts from generation to generation.

Friends of Estonian House/ Eesti Maja Sõbrad are supporters of and volunteers for OUR Estonian House at 958 Broadview Ave.


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