Telli Menüü

The next Estonian parliamentary elections take place on March 5, 2023

On January 15 at 4 p.m. EST, Estonian Central Council in Canada (EKN) together with the Estonian Embassy in Ottawa will hold a virtual information session about how and where to vote. Attached is a written overview from the Embassy (In Estonian with links to English websites).

On January 29, EKN and Estonian World Congress (ÜEKN) will host an Estonian party leaders debate together with ERR (Estonian Broadcasting) and Postimees media outlets.

Estonia’s national security is of critical importance due to Russia’s war on Ukraine. Now more than ever, it is important to get out the Estonian diaspora vote.

Estonia needs a government that:

Fully supports the Ukrainian government and people in the war with Russia and continues to demonstrate strong leadership.

Is a strong partner in NATO, European Union and other democratic international institutions.

Rejects extremism and threats to democracy.

Continues to support, listen to and collaborate with the Estonian diaspora community.

Loe edasi